GMB Race AGM invitation & committee election nominations

GMB Race AGM & Election Details:
Date: Monday 3rd June 2024
Time: 6.30pm till 9pm
Venue: Mary Turner House, 22 Stephenson Way, London NW1 2HD
If you would like to attend, please use the link below to register:
Registration closes on Thursday 31st May 2024 at midday.
If you would like to attend remotely, please indicate on the registration form.
CALLING NOTICES - Committee ElectionsElections to Committee – closing date Tuesday 28th May 2024 - midday
GMB London Region RACE are pleased to announce that we are running elections for seats on our Committee. Nominations close at midday on Tuesday 28th May 2024, and you can nominate yourself (you do not need a seconder) by emailing with your name, membership number, the role you are standing for, and a statement of no more than 250 words on why you would like to join the Committee. The deadline for nominations is Tuesday 28th May 2024 – midday.
Committee Roles
There are currently 13 posts for election – 6 Officer posts and 7 Committee posts.
1. Chair
Presides at all committee meetings and the AGM and is the principal representative of the Committee. The Chair can rule upon any matter which requires interpretation and on which our constitution or the GMB Rule Book are silent. The Chair works closely with the Secretary to ensure the Committee’s work is implemented.
2. Vice Chair
In the absence of the Chair exercises authority and carries out the duties of the chair.
3. Secretary
Carries out the daily administration and correspondence of the Committee in accordance with the instructions of the Committee and constitution. They draft the agenda of committee meetings and the AGM, and deals with AGM arrangements. The Secretary is also a principal representative of the Committee. They work closely with various Committee members, GMB and others to progress the work of the Committee and network.
4. Assistant Secretary
Provides support to the Chair and Secretary in the arrangement of campaigns and participation at events like regional socials and Pride events. The Assistant Secretary helps arrange Committee meetings and the AGM. Like the Secretary, they work closely with various others to progress the work. Job-share option possible.
5. Organiser
Produces, leads on and updates our organising and recruitment plan to build a strong network that reflects the diversity of GMB membership. They maintain and update the membership database and mailing lists for the Committee. The Organiser helps develop communications to ensure all members receive updates, are engaged, and involved in the Network. They assist in co-ordinating recruitment and promotional activities and provides an Organising report to each Committee meeting. Job-share option possible.
6. Communication Officer
Ensuring members are informed about activities and events, updating social media pages, providing updates to the London Region web pages, produce a newsletter once a quarter, develop communications to ensure all members receive updates, etc.
Committee Members (7 positions)
The role and responsibilities of Committee Members include (but are not limited to):
- attending and participating fully at Committee and related meetings, regional events, demos, stalls, etc
- communicating promptly with the Committee on relevant news, developments, events, etc.
- contributing to GMB Race newsletters and reports
- implementing AGM and related decisions as agreed
- participating fully in GMB, TU, campaigning, organising and promotional activities
- undertake specific roles and responsibilities as agreed at Committee meetings and according to personal interest e.g. co-ordinating activities based on specific protected characteristics/equality strands and issues – gender, race, disability, age, bisexuality, transgender, etc; being on the editorial team; liaising on international issues; assisting in planning events such as Black History Month, March against Racism, etc
- provide advice and experience in personal case enquiries as required.
GMB Race is the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic workers self-organised group within the London Region. The aim of the group is to ensure that race is always on the agenda: organising, recruiting, and promoting equality at work and in society for all who identify as Black, Asian, or as a Minority Ethnic worker.
We oppose all forms of prejudice and discrimination, acting as a contact and support for all GMB Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic members. As well as, developing training and events for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic members.
You can see more about what we do on our socials found here:
If you have any questions, please email London Region Equalities Secretarial Support –
Looking forward to seeing you on the 3rd June.
Abdi Mohamed
Chair of Race SOG