Rent in London up 21.7% since 2011 compared to 9.1% pay rises
£1,450 per month average rent for two bed flat in London: up 21.7% since 2011 compared to 9.1% pay rises GMB congress told
£1,450 per month average rent for two bed flat in London: up 21.7% since 2011 compared to 9.1% pay rises GMB congress told
£775 per month average rent for two bed flat in East of England: up 31.4% since 2011 compared to 8.8% pay rises GMB congress told
GMB Congress call on Government to adopt minimum drone operator age of 18 for all drone owners and for operators to register device with the Civil Aviation Authority and…
GMB to launch campaign calling for a more accessible public transport system
GMB Congress call for local authorities to implement heat action plan to mitigate and minimise the effects climate change and global warming has on low income people
GMB Congress oppose calls for UK’s gas industry to be closed down
GMB to step up campaign for changes to health and safety legislation to prevent corporate killing in the workplace
GMB Congress call for greater support for emergency services to help tackle knife crime epidemic
GMB to launch awareness campaign on employers taking biometric information to sign in and out of work without reasonable grounds
Norfolk resident given GMB Health and Safety runner-up award at GMB congress in Brighton