GMB Race

GMB Race is a self-organised group in London Region. The aim of the group is to ensure that Race is always on the agenda: Organising, recruiting and promoting equality at work and in society for all who identify as Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic. We oppose all forms of prejudice and discrimination, acting as a contact and support for all GMB Black Asian and Minority Ethnic members and developing training and events for members.
Black History Month
Across our region, workplaces are taking the opportunity to celebrate Black History Month. A time to remember the significant contributions Black Asian and Minority Ethnic workers have made and continue to make in every part of our society.
We must never forget that black history is British history. We should remember, celebrate, and teach our Black History all year round. We should celebrate it at every opportunity. There is so much more to be done to secure racial equality across our country.
GMB Race Achievement Scholarship Programme
What is the GMB Race Achievement Scholarship Programme (GRASP)?
GRASP is a GMB positive action initiative developed to respond to the Dr Elizabeth Henry Report 2003, Recommendation 6:
"A positive action programme that includes expanding and promoting opportunities for black and minority ethnic groups to participate at all levels of the GMB. May involve, shadowing, mentoring and support training, proactive consultation with black and minority ethnic groups to understand needs and barriers
faced in becoming members and/or activists. Sets targets for inclusion, monitors, and reports progress."
For more information about the Programme please visit: GMB Race Achievement Scholarship Programme | GMB Union