GMB London call on Sadiq Khan to tell One Housing to stop second ballot on demolition of Camden Estate

One Housing must accept the overwhelming 2020 vote against demolition
GMB London has been informed that One Housing is offering carrots of £7,100 of public money to Juniper Crescent residents for a vote for demolition in the face of the previous overwhelming vote against demolition in 2020. This is absolutely outrageous and this ballot must be stopped by the Mayor Sadiq Khan says GMB London.
Peter Roberts, GMB London Region Political Officer said:
“GMB London is calling on Mayor of London Sadiq Khan to instruct One Housing to stop plans for a second ballot for residents and its underhanded attempts to engage with residents of Juniper Crescent near Camden Lock.
“One Housing is using a loophole in the Mayor’s guidance to propose a second ballot but residents feel that this is a deliberate attempt to sway the original ballot outcome that rejected demolishing the estate to build housing unaffordable for most current residents and with limited social housing.
“One Housing has not responded to attempts by residents asking for specific information or a response about the unwelcome continual pursuit and badgering of residents.”
GMB London calls on Mayor of London Sadiq Khan to act now and get behind the residents in Juniper Crescent to support the outcome of the original ballot in 2020 that rejected the regeneration of the estate.
Peter Roberts, GMB London Region Political Officer 079 6821 6411
GMB London Region Press 079 7001 9643 /
Editors notes
27 April 2021
GMB London - Residents of Camden estate have made their views clear on redevelopment
12 February 2018